Jose Wheeler
When part of your yard's landscaping includes a space of green lawn, you will need to take care of it with regular watering, fertilization, and mowing. However, with regular lawn care and trimming, you can also create a compost mixture to enrich your yard's soil. The following tips are to help you use lawn mulch in your yard's landscaping and plant care.
Trim Your Lawn
The method in which you trim your lawn can put nutrients back into your lawn without you having to use or apply a bagged fertilizer. Instead of mowing your lawn and collecting the trimmings in a bag where you dump them in the trash, let them fall back onto your lawn. These clippings will add organic compost back to your lawn's roots, as well as supplement the soil of your lawn. And the lawn clippings are full of moisture, which will help replenish the soil's moisture.
However, there are some rules you need to follow to take advantage of this optimal lawn supplementation. Make sure you trim your lawn regularly, such as once a week, so that your lawn does not grow too long, which can cause problems when you let the trimmings fall back onto your lawn. Long trimmings will lay flat on your lawn and actually smother the lawn and cause it to die in spots. Smaller trimmings will settle easily down between the lawn plants and around the roots.
Make a Mulch Compost
Mulching back onto your lawn is a great benefit to your lawn, but you can also use the clippings in another manner to help benefit your yard's plants. Alternate how you use your lawn clippings each week to let them fall back upon your lawn one week and the next week collect them to use in a compost mulch. When you compost your lawn clippings you can add them in with other organic materials to make your own rich dark compost. Avoid applying the lawn clippings directly onto the surface of your soil and around plantings, as the lawn clippings will pull nitrogen from the soil, which will essentially starve your growing bedding plants of nitrogen and cause them to die.
Instead, use a smart composting process by adding lawn clippings to a compost bin or pile in addition to other materials that you can collect from your home and yard. Some types of compost materials can include leaves, shredded newspaper, straw, pine shavings, fruit and vegetable scraps from your kitchen, coffee grounds, and ash from your fireplace. Combine these materials together, being sure to add in moist and dry materials and some water from a watering can or hose to moisten the mixture. Turn the pile regularly to mix the contents, then it will begin to darken in color until it begins to look like soil.
When I was young, I loved helping my mother in the garden. Our yard was filled with plants and flowers that she kept in immaculate condition. Once I was an adult and bought my first home, I learned that there was much more to landscaping a yard than I ever imagined! After a little trial and error planting a few flowers in my yard that died quickly, I realized the technology that is available to aspiring gardeners makes trial and error a thing of the past. After I found out what my "hardiness zone" was, I realized I was planting flowers made for much cooler climates, and I played around with software that let me design my yard very easily! I learned a lot throughout the experience, so I thought I would share my tips with everyone who needs them. Come back often to check out my new tips!