Jose Wheeler
Adding in landscaping and other design elements to your yard is a big part of making your property look great and maintaining its value, and as a homeowner, you often are left with a blank slate to improve upon your yard with pavement, trees, landscaping, and other vegetation. Here are some landscaping services you can look for to make your yard into a beautiful and well-cared for outdoor space.
Plant Beneficial Vegetation
When you are planning your outdoor and backyard spaces, look to add a variety of landscaping, but some vegetation can be more beneficial to make your outdoor area comfortable during the heat of summer. Trees that provide shade will act as a natural barrier from the sun along with their other environmental benefits, which you can place strategically in your yard for the best benefit.
Also, plant a ground covering of lawn that extends over your property in larger sections. When you plant the lawn, don't break it up into smaller sections by adding in too many landscaping beds throughout its covering. This can make it difficult to maintain the lawn when you go to mow it. If you have six or seven separate sections of lawn, mowing them can become tedious. Make sure you plan out your landscaping bedding areas and place them around the edges of your yard and keep your lawn more centrally combined.
Use Landscape Fabric
There are going to be areas of vegetation and other areas that may be gravel-covered to give your yard a variety of loos and a mixture of landscaping surfaces. When you plan to add in a ground covering of landscaping materials that will take the place of any vegetation growing, it is helpful to place a layer of landscape fabric down onto the soil before you pour in the layer of hardscape material, such as gravel, mulch, decorative rock.
This layer of landscape fabric is a barrier to weed growth but will also act as a barrier to the landscape materials and prevent it from sinking into the soil. Be sure you overlap the edges of your landscape fabric lengths to protect it from weed growth and keep the landscaping material in place. Select a heavier grade of landscape fabric for rocks or gravel to make sure it remains durable for the time it is in place with the rock.
If you have further questions or need ideas, reach out to a residential landscaping maintenance service near you.
When I was young, I loved helping my mother in the garden. Our yard was filled with plants and flowers that she kept in immaculate condition. Once I was an adult and bought my first home, I learned that there was much more to landscaping a yard than I ever imagined! After a little trial and error planting a few flowers in my yard that died quickly, I realized the technology that is available to aspiring gardeners makes trial and error a thing of the past. After I found out what my "hardiness zone" was, I realized I was planting flowers made for much cooler climates, and I played around with software that let me design my yard very easily! I learned a lot throughout the experience, so I thought I would share my tips with everyone who needs them. Come back often to check out my new tips!