Technology Makes Landscaping Easier Than Ever

Technology Makes Landscaping Easier Than Ever

3 Residential Sod Installation Tips

Jose Wheeler

Those who want to achieve a lush, green lawn as quickly as possible often choose to install sod purchased at a garden store. Yet buying new sod isn't enough to guarantee it will last; you also have to install it correctly. If you have plans to beautify your yard with fresh sod, read on. This article will introduce you to three essential tips to ensure the best results.

Begin by thoroughly de-weeding your lawn.

Many people are so excited to begin installing their new sod that they immediately start tilling their yard. Unfortunately, giving way to such excitement can lead to unwanted repercussions down the line. The problems is that, even when thoroughly tilled, the seeds from weed plants present in your yard often remain intact. Over time, they will slowly migrate upward toward the surface, eventually bursting into life right in the middle of your beautiful new lawn.

To avoid annoying weed outbreaks down the line, always begin a resod project by thoroughly removing any weeds from your existing lawn. This can be accomplished in two main ways. Those who aren't opposed to a little elbow grease may elect to break up and remove weeds with a hoe. Those who want the quickest results, on the other hand, may elect to treat their yard with a chemical herbicide to destroy any weeds.

Make your life easier by renting a rototiller.

The most difficult part of laying new sod, at least in terms of sheer manual labor, is tilling your yard. Many homeowners choose to accomplish this task using a basic garden tiller--and a lot of sweat and tears. Those in the know, however, choose to save themselves this unnecessary workout by renting a powered rototiller instead. With the help of this machine, you can successfully till your yard in a fraction of the time. To ensure the smoothest results, look for a rototiller with a rating of no less than eight horsepower.

Start sodding along your yard's longest edge.

One of the most commonly encountered problems when laying sod are unintentionally slanted rows. In this long run, this may not seem to matter too much. After all, once the grass has taken root, it will provide an even, unbroken surface. Yet unrolling sod at less than perfect angles means you will end up with frustrating gaps around the perimeter of your yard. Such gaps, too narrow to accommodate a full width of sod, can be difficult to patch up.

The best way to ensure that you don't have to deal with this problem is to begin by laying your rolls of sod along the yard's straightest edge--preferably one that contains a fence or other helpful guideposts. By getting the first strip laid correctly, you can greatly increase the chances that you will end up with the results you want. 

For more information about sod installation or maintaining your new lawn with hydroseeding or other watering techniques, talk with a professional landscaping company in your area. 


2024© Technology Makes Landscaping Easier Than Ever
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Technology Makes Landscaping Easier Than Ever

When I was young, I loved helping my mother in the garden. Our yard was filled with plants and flowers that she kept in immaculate condition. Once I was an adult and bought my first home, I learned that there was much more to landscaping a yard than I ever imagined! After a little trial and error planting a few flowers in my yard that died quickly, I realized the technology that is available to aspiring gardeners makes trial and error a thing of the past. After I found out what my "hardiness zone" was, I realized I was planting flowers made for much cooler climates, and I played around with software that let me design my yard very easily! I learned a lot throughout the experience, so I thought I would share my tips with everyone who needs them. Come back often to check out my new tips!
